Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions
Find all the answers to your questions in our FAQ!
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- In 2020, the Hauts-de-France Region (pilot of the approach) and the Campus des métiers et qualifications “Tourism and Innovation” (manager of the approach) created a consortium of actors composed of the UMIH, the Unilasalle Institute, the Regional Committee of Tourism and Conventions (CRTC), the platform of tourist offices (POT’) and the three regional consular chambers.
- Together, under the patronage of Alexandre Gauthier, emblematic Chef of Hauts-de-France, and through an inclusive and participatory process, they applied (July 2020) and were awarded (March 2021) the Label “European region of gastronomy” for the year 2023 awarded by the NGO IGCAT.
- After Menorca in Spain and Trondheim in Norway, both awarded the label for 2022, Hauts-de-France is pleased to have been chosen “European Region of Gastronomy 2023” and to be the very first French region to obtain this international distinction.
- Since 2021, the consortium has opened the process to all food stakeholders in Hauts-de-France.
- As of January 1, 2023, 300 stakeholders (food project leaders, culinary event organizers) or ambassadors are referenced.
The “European gastronomy region” label rewards territories that undertake multiple projects to promote their cultural identity and their gastronomy, that demonstrate a willingness to make inhabitants and learners aware of the value of what they eat and of local products, and that innovate to protect their productions and their know-how.
This label is awarded by a jury of independent and international experts chosen by the board of IGCAT, the NGO that leads this process on behalf of the European institutions.
The award is an opportunity for the territories that apply to work on a common diagnosis and to write shared objectives with a maximum number of stakeholders. In this respect, the label is a territorial marketing approach that seeks to help territories and food stakeholders progress in order to meet the food challenges of tomorrow. Gastronomy supports the influence and attractiveness of the territory, the creation of sustainable values for stakeholders and the anchoring of target audiences.
Obtaining the label facilitates exchanges between sectors (public, private, academic, individuals) of other regions that face similar challenges, sometimes compartmentalized, reinforces local cohesion and nourishes the feeling of pride. It relies on an international exchange platform that allows learning from other labeled regions facing similar challenges.
The Label also provides international credibility and access to special funding.
- Fin 2019 : Création du Consortium
- Juillet 2020 : Candidature des Hauts-de-France au Label « Région européenne de la gastronomie.
- Automne 2020 : Audition par un jury d’experts internationaux
- Mars 2021 : Obtention du label. La Région Hauts-de-France est la 1ère région française à obtenir la distinction européenne.
- Juin 2021 : Création d’un site dédié
- Automne 2021 : lancement d’un Appel à projet pour ouvrir la démarche aux acteurs de l’alimentation des Hauts-de-France
- Automne 2022 : lancement d’un Appel à événement pour constituer l’agenda culinaire 2023
We do not finance projects or events that have been awarded the label. To obtain funding, we invite you to contact your usual institutional partners who will be able to redirect you to the appropriate mechanisms for your event or project.
For the events, the labeling translates into the registration of your event in the official program of “Hauts-de-France, European Region of Gastronomy 2023”. Each event belongs to a category and can belong to 2 categories at the same time. In addition to being listed in the agenda, your event will also be highlighted by our communication channels.
Once the event has been submitted and labelled, it is no longer possible to modify it, which is why we will always relay to your sites and web pages over which you have control!
Labeled regions and members of the platform: Hauts-de-France (2023), Minorca (2022), Trondheim (2022), Coimbra Region (2021), Slovenia (2021), Kuopio (2020), Sibiu (2019), Galway-West of Ireland (2018), North Brabant (2018), Aarhus-Central Denmark (2017), East Lombardy (2017), Riga-Gauja (2017), Catalonia (2016) and Minho (2016).
The label aims to reveal the culinary identity of Hauts-de-France by revealing the multitude of actors (producers, breeders, fishermen, companies, associations, institutions…) who work for better eating but also by accelerating sustainable food changes and promoting the food and catering professions.
The approach is open to companies, associations, producers, breeders, fishermen, institutions, and independents who are committed to progress and work to ensure that we “eat better” in Hauts-de-France. It is a voluntary approach. It is the project leader who commits himself by signing a charter.
Labeling will continue until June 2023! Do not hesitate to wait until you have all the information before registering your event or all the elements of your project.
If you have not yet set a date, or have not finalized the organization of your event, we advise you to wait until you have all these elements to fill out the event labeling form which will remain open until June 2023. If not, please go to the “contact us” page:
No, if you organize a project or an event, you are already an ambassador! The ambassador section is useful for those who wish to highlight the process without organizing events or carrying out projects.
As an ambassador, you are committed to spreading the word about the process among your contacts. You can relay calls for events, present the approach on your social networks and talk about it around you to gather a maximum of people.