“En Hauts-de-France, on a la pêche !” is a project that aims to promote the trades and products from artisanal fishing, and to emphasize the communication around the points of direct sale of fish products, the famous “aubettes à poisson” of the cities of Dunkirk, Calais, Boulogne, Etaples and Le Crotoy, which are a regional specificity
It is an approach that aims to federate fishermen, to create an identity “Hauts-de-France”, to ensure that the 190 km of coastline are represented through the vessels, professionals in the sector, the fisheries resource, all by promoting the maritime heritage of our region.
This is the first step in a larger campaign to identify fishery products as being from “Hauts-de-France”. The project is a collaboration between the CRPMEMHDF, the GALPA 3 Estuaires and the collective Boulogne-sur-Mer, la Mer en direct, who have worked together on this component “identity Hauts-de-France” based on an experience of the agriculture fair and the positive feedback that a humorous slogan had generated. Based on this experience, it was decided that Hauts-de-France was a fishing region and that it was time to affirm it. A logo was then created, then proudly displayed on material inherent to the sale and collection of products (easels, aprons, fleeces etc.).
This project has benefited from the support of emblematic chefs of the region, who have offered to promote the products through recipes. Mr. Jackie MASSE, the charismatic chef of the restaurant of the hotel La Terrasse, in Fort Mahon, worked on the elaboration of recipe cards and participated in several fairs with the Committee (Fêtes de la Salicorne, La Côte d’Opale fête la mer in Boulogne-sur-Mer etc)
The products and talents have also been promoted in a series of 8 films featuring the industry and the tourist heritage of the Hauts-de-France coastline.

What are the targets?
This project is aimed at professionals in the fishing industry, consumers and the general public.
How will your project help promote the gastronomy of the Hauts-de-France region?
The project has a positive impact both on professionals, whose know-how deserves to be promoted, and on consumers, who are made aware of the origin of the products and their taste and environmental qualities.
Through an educational approach, the project allows to emphasize traceability, to inform consumers about the type of fishing practiced, regulations or seasonality for example; all at the best value for money.
By favouring the short circuit, consumers can also benefit from sound advice.
Finally, the support of the chefs is an incredible support for the promotion

By the Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins Hauts-de-France
The Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins Hauts-de-France aims to defend and promote the interests of professional fishermen on board and on foot.
It must represent them through different subjects: environmental, economic and social.
The CRPMEM HDF also works on many projects to promote the maritime heritage of its territory.
Original dinners in the Saint-Quentin area
The aim of this project is to organise an unusual monthly dinner at a local restaurant.
A short-distance supply solution for food professionals in the Lille area.
A BOIRE ET À MANGER or how cinema has dealt with the issue of gastronomy in recent years... From the