Let me introduce myself, Franck ACKERMANN, 50 years old from Calais.
I am the creator of the knife “Le Calaisien” (as well as the products of the Arts de la Table), entirely made in Calais whose handles are inclusions of real Calais lace specially woven for the knife.
The media has described this knife as the symbol of the city of Calais, a city with a 2000 year history.
The knife “Le Calaisien” is the official supplier of the starred chef Christophe Dufossé and adorns the tables of the Château de Beaulieu in Busnes, “… which is the showcase of the know-how and products of the Hauts-de-France” (Cf: Xavier Bertrand).
Chefs, restaurant owners, collectors, heritage lovers, …
The chefs who also own it are none other than the starred chef Christophe Hagnerelle (from the restaurant Val d’Auge in Bondues), the starred chef Antoine Proye (from the Brasserie André in Lille), the starred chef Alain Parodi (from the restaurant Veri-Table in Athens, Greece), and many others that I cannot mention because the list would be too long.
Through this, I wanted to know if there was the possibility of obtaining your label for this knife, since its purpose is to convey the image of Calais and its region outside the local, national and international borders, but I do not know if it fits in the framework.

Franck ACKERMANN – Couteau Le Calaisien
Cutlery Franck Ackermann.
Creator of the knife “Le Calaisien” and products of the Art of the Table, made with real Calais lace specially woven for the designer.