L’Indispensable Brewery is the first kombucha microbrewery created in the Hauts-de-France.
Our mission: To bring new drinks, both healthy and cool to drink!
How: By brewing and democratizing kombucha, a natural drink made from the fermentation of tea, organic, without alcohol and known for its benefits … while being inspired by the creativity of craft breweries to bring pleasure to consumers.
Don’t you know kombucha? It’s a drink that’s good for you: alcohol-free, naturally fermented, tangy and finely sparkling. Low in calories, low in sugar and renowned for its benefits, it is the fruit of a thousand-year-old love story between “good” bacteria and yeast living in symbiosis in a tea infusion.
Our brand: LOVEN Kombucha, the sparkling drink full of life.
Kombucha is a new alternative (to sodas in particular) for all those who want to eat better, consume better and enjoy themselves at the same time. At the Brasserie L’Indispensable, we think it’s a great solution from breakfast to aperitif without alcohol…

Brasserie L’Indispensable
1st kombucha microbrewery created in the Hauts-de-France.