LA FERMENTERY is an eco-responsible brewery that produces organic drinks without alcohol.
The main idea is to combine benefits and pleasure in a drink in a logic of sustainable development.
Through our brand BEŸCHA KOMBUCHA, we offer a non-alcoholic tasting drink that expresses the aromatic palette of each plant used and allows you to enjoy yourself by accompanying a meal made with local ingredients or simply by tasting.
BEŸCHA KOMBUCHA naturally takes care of your pleasure.
BEŸCHA KOMBUCHA is aimed at epicureans who want a non-alcoholic drink to enjoy with regional products or simply to taste. In addition to the inherent benefits of kombucha, BEŸCHA KOMBUCHA offers a suspended moment of tasting.
LA FERMENTERŸ offers an organic drink without alcohol, low in sugar and calories but rich in probiotics, vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids with a pleasure and tasting dimension; our kombuchas naturally take care of your pleasure.
Our values based on the Environment and Humanity are illustrated by commitments such as the reuse of our 75cl bottles (in partnership with HAUT LA CONSIGNE), the supply of green energy to the brewery by a local actor, collaborations with local actors to highlight their know-how (roaster, ceramists, etc.), the reworking of our bio-waste by local actors (craftsman of vegetable dyeing, pastry cooks),…
We are accompanied by the agency LES SUBLIMEURS to work hand in hand with regional actors and highlight their and our sustainable and responsible work.

La Fermentery
LA FERMENTERY is an eco-responsible brewery located in the north of Lille that produces organic kombuchas for tasting; kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, beneficial and without alcohol.