SOLAAL Hauts-de-France (Solidarity of Agricultural Producers and Food Sectors) aims to facilitate the organization of donations from agricultural and agri-food actors to authorized national food aid associations. It offers a free service that fights against the waste of unsold food and offers fresh products to the needy. We also intervene in agricultural schools to raise students’ awareness on these issues.
Following the donation, the food aid association issues a certificate to the donor who can then benefit from a tax reduction.
In 4 years, more than 7,750 tons of agricultural products have been donated to food aid associations, the equivalent of 15.5 million meals.
Actors in the agricultural and agri-food sectors, food aid associations, agricultural schools, local authorities.
In France, there are unsold agricultural products and the producers concerned do not necessarily have information on the possibility of making donations, nor do they necessarily have the time or the network. In France in 2021, nearly 10 million people benefited from food aid. Moreover, only 6.5% consume fruit and vegetables 5 times a day (Source: Abena study 2011-2012). This study highlighted that pathologies related to the lack of nutritional balance are more important among people receiving food aid (obesity, hypertension, diabetes …). In order to facilitate the connection of actors from the agricultural and agri-food sectors and food aid associations in Hauts-de-France, a SOLAAL branch was created in October 2018. It allows associations to benefit from fresh products that they did not have access to before, to offer them to people in food insecurity.

SOLAAL Hauts-de-France
SOLAAL Hauts-de-France (Solidarity of Agricultural Producers and Food Sectors) is an association recognized as being of general interest created in October 2018. It offers a free service that fights against the waste of unsold food and offers fresh products to the needy. The association is chaired by Jean-Christophe Rufin, a dairy farmer in Mairieux (59).