The conservatory garden is located in Saint-Martin-Lez-Tatinghem, on a land owned by CAPSO. It is the first in the region. The location is coherent with the museographic equipment of the Maison du Marais. The dedicated space is located as close as possible to the Maison du Marais. The conservatory garden is therefore an educational space accessible to the general public.
This new equipment allows visitors of the Maison du Marais to discover the richness of local market gardening. This site allows to gather, on 1500m², many emblematic species of the marsh. A varied range of vegetables presents the different stages of maturity and physiological state (seed, fruit, seed carrier) to the public (inhabitants, professionals, students and visitors). The open house is free of charge. In a short time, an adult and a children’s tour with an educational vocation will be able to present the vegetables specific to the Audomarois marshes, their local history and their mode of production and will allow to explain the importance to preserve these local varieties.
In numbers
The project was realized with the help of the Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer (CAPSO) (project owner and owner of the site), the Parc naturel régional des Caps et marais d’Opale (PNRCMO), the Chambre d’Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais, the Centre Régional des Ressources Génétiques (CRRG), the Centre de Formation Agricole de Saint-Omer (CFA), the Maison du Marais and the Pôle Légumes.
What are the targets?
This project is aimed at tourists, residents and the school public.
How will your project help promote the gastronomy of the Hauts-de-France region?
The project, unique in the region, allows for a better understanding of the culture, the rhythm of the seasons, and the preservation of forgotten vegetables.
Its educational virtue is very strong and finally finds a resonance between a world that produces and a world that consumes.
This virtue is an orientation of Hauts-de-France, raising awareness of the history of our land, our producers and the preservation of one of the most beautiful professions: that of caring for others by feeding them.

By SPL Tourisme en Pays de Saint-Omer
Public structure, created by the CAPSO, the CCPL, the City of Saint-Omer and the City of Arques. It is intended to promote the tourist attractiveness of the territory and to manage equipment (reception, Escape Game, Tearoom, Maison du Marais…).
Original dinners in the Saint-Quentin area
The aim of this project is to organise an unusual monthly dinner at a local restaurant.
A short-distance supply solution for food professionals in the Lille area.
A BOIRE ET À MANGER or how cinema has dealt with the issue of gastronomy in recent years... From the