In 2019, the Communauté d’Agglomération de Lens-Liévin (CALL) adopted a policy aiming at developing Sustainable Food and Agriculture on its territory: the “Sustainable Territorial Food System” (SATD)

Its ambition is to change the habits of consumption and production, for a systemic impact on the long term and thus participate in the societal and ecological transition of our territory and respond to several societal issues: Health, Biodiversity, food insecurity …

It thus promotes a food that respects humans and their environment, at all levels of our society, from the production sites to the plate…

This policy was therefore built around 6 issues :

  • Consumer awareness

  • Land, directly connected to the maintenance – installation – transmission of farms

  • Learning about the transition – Development of sustainable local production, organic among others

  • The deployment of tools to keep all or part of the added value of agricultural products on the territory

  • Out-of-home catering

  • Shared governance

Thus, the SATD does constitute a Territorial Food Plan (TAP) within the meaning of the “Future Law for Agriculture, Food and Forestry” of October 13, 2014. It creates a strategic and operational framework responding to social, environmental, economic and health issues and facilitating private and public projects.

Food thus becomes an integrating and structuring axis of sectoral policies in our territory.

The SATD is divided into 86 actions co-animated with its partners: “Les Sens du Goût”, “Les Anges Gardins”, “Aprobio”, the Chamber of Agriculture, “Bio en Hauts de France”, “Initiative Paysanne”, “Terre de Liens”… All of them bring their expertise to companies, associations, municipalities… and citizens through, for example, awareness-raising workshops, promotion actions…

In addition, structuring projects aim at the interconnection of the actors :

  • The creation of a Nourishing Third-Place

  • An interactive map listing all the actors

  • The creation of an inter-community market for sustainable food

What are the targets?

The targets are all the actors of the Territory’s food system, from producers to consumers, including collective catering, food artisans, distributors, processors, municipalities…

How will your project help promote the gastronomy of the Hauts-de-France region?

The Lens-Liévin Agglomeration Community wishes to be an actor in the changes in the food sector towards more sustainability and the use of local products in a logic of sustainable and economic development of the agricultural world. The SATD creates optimal conditions so that the actors of the territory can seize this subject and thus carry innovative projects.

The overall goal of the SATD is to increase the territory’s food autonomy and resilience through collective solutions that are co-constructed by territorial actors.

3 processes of progress are thus engaged: in societal matters, territorial attractiveness and territorial governance

Societal evolution

In a very specific socio-economic context, linked to the aftermath of the mining mono-industry, SATD aims to make sustainable food economically and culturally accessible, while developing remunerative production, creating local employment, and respecting humans and their environment.

Numerous actions are undertaken to accompany this major evolution by fighting against preconceived ideas, and by democratizing organic food and short circuits…

As an example, the Communauté d’Agglomération is co-piloting with the Anges Gardins and Bio en Hauts de France the deployment of the PANIERS program. The objective is to ensure the food well-being of people in economically precarious situations by making fresh organic and local products accessible and thus :

  • Lifting the economic brake through the fortnightly distribution of organic and local fruit and vegetable baskets at low prices

  • Lifting the cultural barrier through numerous workshops to raise awareness about sustainable food

In addition, thanks to its partner Les Sens du Goût, the SATD’s action plan also includes numerous workshops for young parents, “Bébé Gourmet”, and for schools, “Les Rendez-vous du Goût”…

Strengthening of the territorial attractiveness

The SATD contributes to the influence of the territory by highlighting the committed actors of its territory, notably through the creation of an interactive map.

In addition to its local use, this map will also serve as a tool to promote local values of conviviality, in complete coherence with the CALL’s tourism strategy.

The SATD has many support and financing tools that allow it to work on maintaining agriculture and crafts on its territory and developing sustainable production. In addition, the development of short circuits and crafts will eventually strengthen the gastronomic identity of the territory through the promotion of emblematic products. We can cite as an example products from the historical past of the mining basin such as charcuterie or Polish pastries… or the development of local beer production… The agricultural world and its ramifications are thus highlighted through numerous actions such as the organization of the “Fête Paysanne” once every two years.

Development of territorial governance

Co-constructed with all the actors of the territory, the SATD aims at decompartmentalizing the various sectors of activity and reinforcing their links, in a shared governance between the elected officials, the citizens, the economic actors, the associations…

Thus, it accompanies food professionals in the relocalization of their supplies, via support for the writing of public contracts of collective catering, or the setting in relation with local producers…

For several months now, in-depth work on the governance of the SATD has been supporting this cross-disciplinary approach: in addition to the traditional technical and political steering bodies (COPIL, COTECH, etc.), new forums for exchange are being set up :

  • A “Territory Ready” for all the economic actors and local associations of the SATD.

  • A “Communes Workshop” bringing together elected officials and communal technicians.

  • A “Citizen Food Council” open to all the inhabitants of the CALL.

The stake of these instances is to desacralize and democratize the subjects of Food and Agriculture, so that everyone can appropriate the SATD and become one. These instances will be built over a long period of time and on the basis of a “citizen’s convention” in order to be able to mix public awareness but also their training so that everyone is equipped to :

  • Participate in consultations and decisions of the collective

  • Exchange among peers on your past and future projects and develop a network of committed municipalities

  • Create synergies in order to jointly carry out projects

  • Collect your needs and problems in order to continuously adapt the SATD policy to the realities of the territory

A Local Committee for Sustainable Food will debate annually the strategic orientations of the SATD and will be a “vigilance” body on its actions. This committee will be organized as an open event where all SATD actors as well as the general public will be invited.

By the Lens-Liévin Agglomeration Community


The Lens-Liévin agglomeration includes 36 municipalities for 250,000 inhabitants. In 2019, it will adopt its “Sustainable Territorial Food System”, which addresses several societal issues: ecology, poverty, health, biodiversity, etc.

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