The “Invite the Flavors of Hauts-de-France to your table” week is a national operation to promote the gastronomy of Hauts-de-France open to all directly managed collective catering establishments (school and company restaurants, high schools, colleges, retirement homes, hospitals, etc).

Each year, a different sector is highlighted, in 2021 it will be the “dairy products” sector.

The operation usually takes place at the end of March. This year, due to the pandemic, it is organized from September 27 to October 3.

Partnerships are established with the actors of the highlighted sectors. A directory of suppliers of regional products who deliver to the catering industry and wish to join the operation has been created. Recipes (via our special RHD recipe binder and the website) are provided to establishments wishing to participate.

Finally, documents (booklets, games, comics, recipe booklets, posters, ….) are offered to diners to introduce them to the region’s products.

Our goal is to introduce the guests of the directly managed catering industry to the culinary specialties of Hauts-de-France and to encourage catering establishments to work with products from Hauts-de-France throughout the year.

But also to wholesalers to work with local producers.

What are the targets?

This operation, which is proposed on a national scale, targets both the professional public, wholesalers, chefs and stewards, and the general public via the guests (children, teenagers and adults).

How will your project help promote the gastronomy of the Hauts-de-France region?

The core of the project is to promote the products of Hauts-de-France within a very specific segment that is the collective catering in direct management.

It aims to develop the purchase of regional products from suppliers via wholesalers or directly, to make chefs discover the richness, quality and variety of products, to make them want to test or create recipes. But also to present these cooked products to the guests. It allows to present the products but also different ways of cooking them.

Objectives of the operation :

– To promote regional products in the establishments of collective catering in direct management near the 3 targets concerned: managers / stewards, chefs and the guests of all ages

– Promote the referencing of regional companies with wholesalers and via the website

– To highlight each year an emblematic sector

By the Hauts-de-France Promotion Committee

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